Remembrance Day 10th November 2019, Davyhulme Circle, Urmston. Manchester
The rain, wind and gales had subsided and we were greeted with a bright sunny morning for this very special day of all days when the whole country pays tribute not only to the fallen but also the survivors some of which have been left with terrible injuries both physical and mentally from the many past conflicts and those which are still continuing in the fight for democracy and the freedom of our country by all the British and Commonwealth countries.
The Start Point
On the Walk
Take Post
After meeting up at Urmston Masonic Hall we made our way to the Starting point at the Library and checked in with the Parade Marshall, I soon realised that there were more people on this occasion than ever gathering in the square including lots of children accompanied by their parents and Grandparents, also many local schools were represented which can only be to the good in passing on our heritage including the massive loss of life and the price which is paid in all the wars and conflicts we have and are still involved in.
FSE Mark’s WM & JD with his daughter
I Made It
Clock approaches 11
Massive Crowds
Only a few pictures I’m afraid due to my illness but I’m sure it will give you a flavour of the parade, at the circle I estimate that there was anything between 2 and 4 thousand, and I like to show that two Wreaths were again laid on behalf of West Lancashire Mark Masons thanks to our PGM Keith Beardmore, I hope you had a good day whichever Ceremony you may have attended.
Crowds young & old
IPM Radio Millennium A Mark Mason
WM & His Good Lady Sue
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGStwd.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood Mark. No.1173